Abstracts Submission


Welcome to the 4th IPWG meeting abstract submission page

Before submitting an Abstract please ensure
that you used the Abstract Template and you followed the Instruction for authors
  • Only abstracts of wich almost one author has paid the registration fee before June 15th, 2019 will be scheduled for presentation and included in the Book of Abstracts.
  • Please do not submit multiple copies of the same abstract.
  • To complete the submission don't forget to click the "send your abstract" botton at the end of the form.
  • A message will then appear informing you that the abstract has been registered successfully. Receipt of your abstract submission will be confirmed by e-mail (please check also in your spam folder since it is a system automated message).
  • In the event that no confirmation has been received, the abstract submitter should first check if there are some errors marked by red color in the form, then if problems persist contact ipwg2007@gmail.com.
Corresponding author
Abstract information
Scientific commitee will have the final decision
click to browse your computer and select the file to upoad.
It must be .doc/.docx/.rtf - max file size 5MB

Click on "SEND YOUR ABSTRACT" botton to complete the process.
It can take a while so wait until you see the SUCCESSFULL  MESSAGE.


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